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A Lean Process is a Documented Process

Lazy!  People see this word and typically have negative response.  Efficient – now this is a word people like.  However I believe that true laziness drives efficiency, and I’m very lazy!  This means I want to do what needs to be done 1 time.  I like to do it quickly, correctly, and as little as possible while still achieving what needs to be done.  Part of this approach is also to train someone else to do things, so that I don’t have to.  Training other people means documenting the process that we have.  This is where I go LEAN!

As I stated, I don’t like doing more work than necessary, and I only like to do things once.  Therefore, before I document a process to train, I like to review the process to be sure that what I’m documenting is correct.  So I write down a high level of the current state, and I typically create a SIPOC chart. (SIPOC stands for Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer – and I probably use SIPOC’s for more than is recommended, but it works well for me)  At this point I confirm with my “supplier”, the person who gives me “input” (could be a customer who orders a part) that the process looks correct, and that I’m capturing all the information they have to give.  Now we contact the “customer”, (who could be the purchasing team, or the warehouse who process my order) and validate that all the outputs I intend to provide are the correct pieces of information they need.  I verify the “input” to be sure it is complete and correct, look at the process, verify that the process will create the outputs defined by the customer.

Once the process is confirmed, then I do a detailed documentation that allows me to train new people to do the job as well as I can. This allows me to work on new challenges, and continue to provide results.  Obviously this is a simplified statement about being “LEAN” but the idea is there.  Be sure your processes are good before you document and train, and you’ll have better success with both!

Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or comments, or if you would like some help implementing LEAN concepts in your own company!

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