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What’s Next Series Intro

Is You Non-Profit Struggling?

What’s Next?!

Nonprofit organizations face a number of challenges like budgeting, reduced government funding, lack of systems and many others as they grow and are continually trying to do more with less.  Working with nonprofit organizations I see many of the same challenges they face and too often see them, working hard but gaining little ground, buying into systems and software that doesn’t result in a return on their investment or help grow their organization.

Our industry has been pitching solutions at nonprofits continuously showing how their software will create a solution.  I’m sick of it!  I’m sick of driving marketing and chasing new directions, recommending software and creating buzz around solutions that may or may not have any value for our clients.  Many nonprofits are sick of this as well. Epiphany has struck, with the help of none other than my marketing consultant who works with nonprofit organizations on a daily basis!

It’s time to change the approach. Most companies just want to sell you on their product or service and don’t take the time to really understand or support your organization’s needs. A valued partner needs to listen and understand your unique challenges and point you in the right direction and solutions that best fit your situation and organization life cycle. Additionally, help nonprofit organizations work together and learn from each other.

With that we are launching a new series of articles, blogs and upcoming webinars that will focus on our passion of helping support nonprofit organizations. With our network of partners, experts and consultants we have a wealth of knowledge and expertise that can help your organization. Wouldn’t it be a nice change of pace to get support and not be sold something? I think so!

Nonprofit Series: Our upcoming blogs, articles and webinars will focus on helping nonprofits address the challenges they face. Sharing ideas and around…

  1. How to do more with less?

  2. Where to go for help and resources.

  3. How to grow your donor base.

  4. Board governance and expansion.

  5. How to help market your nonprofit and attract new donors.

  6. How to streamline staff time and resources to reduce work load.

  7. How to start building a better accounting system.

  8. Am I building a donors list and maximizing that list?

  9. Is it organized for marketing and repeat donations?

  10. Budgeting

  11. How am I doing setting budgets for next year?

  12. Where do I start researching hosted vs. on premise IT solutions?

  13. We’re growing, so What’s Next?

  14. Topics and challenges you share!

CAI will be engaging with people in multiple levels of the non-profit world and share concerns and challenges, pulling in experts from various areas and disciplines to help address and answer you questions. We will be taking a non-linear approach to addressing topics.  Though we will be working on information from the ground up, we will also address items based on time of year.  For example budgeting will likely get addressed twice a year, the fall/Holiday season, and early spring to help remind folks about ideas and opportunities whether they are calendar or financial year organizations.  Summer fund raising opportunities vs. winter ideas.

How Do You Take Advantage? Its simple to access this information, post your questions, topics you would like to cover and gain access to resources to help your nonprofit. Simply visit www.caidynamics or follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter ( You can also signup on our site to receive information, articles and resources right to inbox. By signing up you will also have the ability to share your questions, topics we will cover and engage with other nonprofits facing similar challenges.

Feedback from our collective audience will be key in our success.  Without hearing your challenges we will have a difficult time creating content that will benefit you!  So there will be surveys, and you can of course contact us directly @

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